Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Random Acts of Kindness...And Other Things I would like to keep on hand for a rainy day...

He was adorable in August Rush! And adorabler in Tudors, I need to get Showtime!

His mom never taught him how to keep his shirt buttoned and in place... We owe her for that one.
Oops, don't let go of that sword, your pants might fall off.
Just another little something to have on hand for those stormy rainy days. I'll take two with a side of another one please. Oh I hope it rains soon.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I've seen the entire world...

Well, it's been a while. The trip around the world was a success in my mind. No literally in my mind. I have been wanting to go and see and do for so long that I can only think or dream about it. For now, little baby steps will have to suffice...the grocery store, then the next town over and then the next and maybe further north. Who knows maybe soon I will make it out of the state. The state of vacationlesness that is. The first week in August I am actually going to make leaps and bounds not only to a few towns over but to a whole state away. I'm planning, plotting, stressing, waiting and hoping. By the time it gets here I will be saying "ohhh it's so much trouble to get away, what was I thinking?".

I've seen the entire world on one of those pretty globes in the classroom when I was a teenager. It didn't really look all that big, I can do it.