I'm happy to see that I can still sign in. I haven't completely lost my marbles.
None of us who started the other side of this thing, which was a journey of three of us who worked for the same boss in 2 different offices, still work there. I haven't talked to the other two for quite some time. I hope to see V over there again one day.
Me, I'm just "living the life", literally, I'm living...life. It's not difficult or complicated, it just seems to happen. I breath in, then out, then repeat. I haven't travelled the world yet, haven't became a famous explorer or a nonfamous explorer, but I do leave this room at times. I'm rarely even in this room, well, 3 days a week for 7 hours per day minus an hour in the middle.
Quote for the day! Okay, probably for a few months!
"He who stops being better, stops being good."
I should probably look up who said that because I really do like it.
If you were wondering...It's C.
It's always, other than that one time "C".
C lives on this side of this blog and on that other place.
Yes, C is a quiet one.
The "quiet" one of the bunch of random letters we placed upon ourselves.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Here I sit in this little love shack, right next to the man of my dreams. Crazy to think that it hasn't been all that long since I was living the single life, and writing about my adventures on here. It seems like yesterday and at the same time, it seems like years ago. When I have more time I will write a proper post and a bit more of an explanation of how this all came to be. But right now I am going to cuddle up to him and watch a little t.v.-V
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Update on the Outdate
It's beginning to look like the other side of this has dropped off and so has this side. Two sides make a whole thing. It looks like the whole thing has dropped off. I don't get much time to write or maybe all of my hangups stop me. V, on the other side found a life it seems. I'm going to miss her, this land of no life was quite entertaining, and here I exist all alone now. Truly I have a life, a busy one, an existent one, a dull boring to tell about one, one that keeps me content. That perhaps is the reason I don't write. If I wanted to be interesting or readable I would certainly have to embellish.
A long time ago in a land far away, just down the street and around the corner, I was a whole different person. I was barely recognizable, or maybe now I am barely recognizable to then. It's amazingly intriguing in a sometimes "I wish I didn't know me" sort of way. I mostly try not to let my mind wander backwards but it often gets out there on it's own and ends up drifting behind me. I reach back, give it a tug and let it decide if it wants to keep up or not. It seems to be following me around much better than it used to.
To summarize, I've been enough people in my life so far to form a small gathering and call it conflicting company rather than an all out Saturday night party. I am evolving to the place I will be content, at least until I forget who I am due to old age or some other act of nature. Evolving is the key word, not revolving or regressing, evolving is in more of a forward light-stepping, slow moving direction. I find myself reaching less and less often for those sharp blades of memory and guilt and living more and more in the moment. Progress? I should say so!
Goodbye V! Good luck on your adventure! Good bye me, good luck on your forward moving momentum. Someday I won't tell you all of the details. No worry, I will be back...all of me.
A long time ago in a land far away, just down the street and around the corner, I was a whole different person. I was barely recognizable, or maybe now I am barely recognizable to then. It's amazingly intriguing in a sometimes "I wish I didn't know me" sort of way. I mostly try not to let my mind wander backwards but it often gets out there on it's own and ends up drifting behind me. I reach back, give it a tug and let it decide if it wants to keep up or not. It seems to be following me around much better than it used to.
To summarize, I've been enough people in my life so far to form a small gathering and call it conflicting company rather than an all out Saturday night party. I am evolving to the place I will be content, at least until I forget who I am due to old age or some other act of nature. Evolving is the key word, not revolving or regressing, evolving is in more of a forward light-stepping, slow moving direction. I find myself reaching less and less often for those sharp blades of memory and guilt and living more and more in the moment. Progress? I should say so!
Goodbye V! Good luck on your adventure! Good bye me, good luck on your forward moving momentum. Someday I won't tell you all of the details. No worry, I will be back...all of me.
He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human
institution which rejects progress is the cemetary. ~Harold Wilson
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dream Dream...
Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safelyI've been here in this new land (land meaning world, world meaning work) for 5 months or more now, almost half a year. It's peaceful and quiet most of the time. The faint chatterings across the way aren't even enough to fully wake me from this dream. Dream meaning half awake state while looking at my screen.
insane every night of our lives.
William Dement, in Newsweek, 1959
Speaking of dreams I had a frightening one the other morning. It kept me awake all day long, I had to stay awake anyway but this one made residence in my mind. I even made phone calls concerning it, just to make sure it was only a dream. It was.
Another thought concerning dreams...I noticed that Belle read my, well looked at my last post and even commented on it. That page gets me through some rainy days and I'm sure we would have some rainy days if it wasn't for all of this snow! The dream.. the dream is Belle was able to touch him and look at him in real life! I bet that was dreamy! Thanks for the comment Belle, I am indeed jealous much.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Random Acts of Kindness...And Other Things I would like to keep on hand for a rainy day...

He was adorable in August Rush!
And adorabler in Tudors, I need to get Showtime!

Thursday, July 17, 2008
I've seen the entire world...
Well, it's been a while. The trip around the world was a success in my mind. No literally in my mind. I have been wanting to go and see and do for so long that I can only think or dream about it. For now, little baby steps will have to suffice...the grocery store, then the next town over and then the next and maybe further north. Who knows maybe soon I will make it out of the state. The state of vacationlesness that is. The first week in August I am actually going to make leaps and bounds not only to a few towns over but to a whole state away. I'm planning, plotting, stressing, waiting and hoping. By the time it gets here I will be saying "ohhh it's so much trouble to get away, what was I thinking?".
I've seen the entire world on one of those pretty globes in the classroom when I was a teenager. It didn't really look all that big, I can do it.
I've seen the entire world on one of those pretty globes in the classroom when I was a teenager. It didn't really look all that big, I can do it.
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